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124 Armsdale Rd, Suite 1

Kittanning, Pa 16201

Phone: 724-548-3425




QAB Policies
Quality Assurance Board – Policies and Procedures
The purpose of the Quality Assurance Board (QAB) in Armstrong County is to recommend to the Armstrong Conservation District Board a grant program for Section 9106 of the PA Motor Vehicle Code. The QAB will assist the Armstrong Conservation District in carrying out the Administrative, Educational and Contractual responsibilities of the Dirt, Gravel and Low Volume Roads (DGLVR) Program.
The QAB will establish priorities and requirements for funding through the Dirt, Gravel and Low Volume Roads (DGLVR) Program.  The QAB responsibilities to promote the use of Environmentally Sensitive Maintenance (ESM) will include review of applications submitted for funding, conducting site visits (as necessary and determined by the QAB) and recommending eligible applications to the Armstrong Conservation District Board of Directors for funding of environmentally sensitive road maintenance practices to address road runoff and sediment to local streams, dust control and items which may cause negative impacts to the streams.
The QAB in Armstrong County will be comprised of a non-voting chairperson and a voting member appointed by the Armstrong Conservation District Board, one voting member or appointed designee from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and one voting member or appointed designee from the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission (PAFBC).
The established meeting schedule for QAB meetings will be on an annual basis, usually in September or October, and also on an as-needed basis as determined by the Chairman.  Public notice of meetings will be in the newspaper and posted on the Armstrong Conservation District website at
Minutes of the QAB meetings will be taken by the District staff, and kept on file with the DGLVR Program files.  These files will be kept on record and available to the public pursuant to the Open Records Policy.  QAB meetings may be held via conference call as long as they meet the public notice requirements
The QAB meetings will be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.   There must be a quorum (at least 2 of the 3 voting QAB members), to vote on any recommendations to the district board. The QAB chairman may vote to decide a tie.
Any and all policies adopted by the Armstrong QAB will be posted on the District website.   To review the current QAB Policies & Procedures click on the below.  Written copies of these policies and procedures are available upon request.
QAB Policy



124 Armsdale Rd, Suite 1
Kittanning, Pa 16201
Phone: 724-548-3425

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
